October 5, 2016

Law School as Told by [1]Elle Woods

law school as told by Elle Woods | brazenandbrunette.com

When you get your first acceptance letter and get to brag that you're going to law school
When you get your first acceptance letter and get to brag that you're going to law school | brazenandbrunette.com

When family members ask what you plan to do after graduation
When family members ask what you plan to do after graduation | brazenandbrunette.com

When you decide to buy used books, even if they already have writing in them
When you decide to buy used books, even if they already have writing in them | brazenandbrunette.com

When you get your first reading assignments
When you get your first reading assignments | brazenandbrunette.com

When you remember that strippers don't have to make case briefs
When you remember that strippers don't have to make case briefs | brazenandbrunette.com

When you decide to stop studying and just sleep
When you decide to stop studying and just sleep | brazenandbrunette.com

When you've mastered the Socratic Method
When you've mastered the Socratic Method | brazenandbrunette.com

When you finally finish reading for the day
When you finally finish reading for the day | brazenandbrunette.com

When your professor asks you a question and you get it right
When your professor asks you a question and you get it right | brazenandbrunette.com

When your legal writing professor hands a paper back 3 times because you can't get the citations right
When your legal writing professor hands a paper back 3 times because you can't get the citations right | brazenandbrunette.com

When your professor assigns more readings than was on the syllabus
When your professor assigns more readings than was on the syllabus | brazenandbrunette.com

When you realize that this is now the extent of your social life
When you realize that this is now the extent of your social life | brazenandbrunette.com

And pretend that you're fine staying home to study while your non-law friends go out
And pretend that you're fine staying home to study while your non-law friends go out | brazenandbrunette.com

When you use legal terms around non-law people to sound smart
When you use legal terms around non-law people to sound smart | brazenandbrunette.com

When you have to write your first legal memo and have no clue what you're doing
When you have to write your first legal memo and have no clue what you're doing | brazenandbrunette.com

When you get 9/10 right on a quiz but it turns into a B- thanks to the curve
When you get 9/10 right on a quiz but it turns into a B- thanks to the curve | brazenandbrunette.com

When you have to dress Business Professional and a girl comes teetering in on 6" heels
When you have to dress Business Professional and a girl comes teetering in on 6" heels | brazenandbrunette.com

When you realize that 4 hours isn't enough time for a final
When you realize that 4 hours is not enough time for a final | brazenandbrunette.com

When you find out that multiple choice finals aren't any easier than essay finals
When you find out that multiple choice finals aren't any easier than essay finals | brazenandbrunette.com

When you realize that you survived the semester
When you realize that you survived the semester | brazenandbrunette.com


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you!! I was super excited when I was making it :)

  2. I LOVED this so much. Elle Woods is and always will be law school inspiration number 1!

    1. I'm glad you did! My goal was for everyone who reads this after their 1L year go truuuu 😉
