November 29, 2017

Dealing with Sickness During Law School

4 things to do the moment that you realize that you're sick but have school. how to deal with being sick right around finals. how to quickly recover form being sick. what to do when you're sick and in law school. sick day tips and tricks. the 12 products that help me feel better when I'm sick. law school blog. law student blogger |

If you guys have me on Instagram or Snapchat, then you probably know that I've been sick for the past week 😔 Normally I don't get sick at all (this is my first time really since my junior year) so when I finally do, I'm such a big baby. So of course I'm sure that literally zero of you reading this right now aren't surprised that today's post is.... dealing with being sick when you're in law school!

Don't go to class if you can

Look, you get absences for a reason. This is one of those reasons! (here's another) Also I'm just going to put this out there that I'm pretty sure the whole reason why I'm sick is because someone else selfishly went to class.

What you can do instead is e-mail your professor that you're out sick and ask for any slides or handouts that they might go over during class. Also send a quick text to a friend or two updating them on your situation and ask them to give you a copy of their notes. While you're at home, try as hard as you can to get at least some work done so that you're not playing catch-up for the next few days. But if you are truly feeling miserable and doing practically nothing but sleeping all day and feeling completely wiped-out while you're awake, it's worth a shot to email your professors and see if you can get an extension on anything that's going to be due soon.

Related: How to miss a law class without falling behind 

If you have to go to class... 

But realistically I know that sometimes it's not feasible for you to skip class. Although I did last Tuesday when I woke up with my really bad cough, I knew I had to go in this week because A) I'm pretty much out of absences this late in the semester and B) my finals start next week. So if you must go, again email your professors telling them that you're sick and ask them if you can vary from the seating chart and sit isolated in a back corner so you don't contaminate any of your classmates (and hopefully this will make him take pity on you so you won't get called on). Yesterday I had class from 9-3 but my medicine said to take it every 2-4 hours so you can bet your sweet behind I brought that bottle to class with me.

4 things to do the moment that you realize that you're sick but have school. how to deal with being sick right around finals. how to quickly recover form being sick. what to do when you're sick and in law school. sick day tips and tricks. the 12 products that help me feel better when I'm sick. law school blog. law student blogger |

Other good things to bring with you to class: tissues, hand sanitizer (plus lotion because it can dry out your hands when you're using a boatload), and an extra large water bottle for when you get a dry/itchy throat.

Go to the doctor ASAP

Whether you have to drag yourself to class or can skip, go to the doctor! I've found that quick little walk-in clinics are the best so you don't have to wait to get an appointment. It's important to go to the doctor and find out if what you have is bacterial or viral because that will completely change how you need to tackle your sickness. Or like in my instance, I just thought I had a little cold since all I had was a cough and so my bronchitis progressed to the point where I haven't had a voice for several days now (and as a talker this is really lifestyle-dampening!). 

While you're there, get a flu shot! Even if you don't have a flu you might as well since they're so cheap and can keep you from getting even more sick. I say this because last night I was telling my sister about how I have bronchitis and she upped me by having strep and the flu. And yes we just spent 4 days nonstop around each other so I'm glad I had my shot.

At home

Stay at home as much as possible (duh) while you're sick. Wash your sheets and pillows in hot water since you've likely been coughing all over them in your sleep and now they're contaminated. I also like to get a cheap disposable toothbrush while I'm sick and I clean it after every brushing (here's how to clean your toothbrush). It's worth it to buy some antibacterial tissues to keep you from spreading germs around your house, but still remember to wash your hands constantly.

Remember to try to drink as much water as you can and get extra sleep to try to help your body recover faster. I've personally found that steamy showers with shower tablets, running a humidifier while you sleep, and rubbing Vicks on before bed can really, really help! 

Oh, and soup is your friend. Speaking of friends, warn them all that you're sick so they'll know to keep a safe distance and definitely not drink after you. 

And a few other must haves for when you feel like you're slowly dying...
the 12 products that help me feel better when I'm sick |

body pillow // because cuddles make everything better
fuzzy socks // these also make days better
lip balm // because your lips are bound to be chapped
baseball hat // to hide your unwashed hair when you make a run to the pharmacy to pick up your medicine
sports bra // because duh you don't need uncomfortable underwire at a time like this
sweater // to keep you cozy
sweatpants // to keep you comfy
slip on shoes // to make pharmacy trips a little faster and easier
water bottle // stay thirsty, my friends
humidifier // again, it helps you breathe
tissues // duh
amazon fire // because you finally have an excuse to do nothing all day except binge watch (here's some suggestions)

let's be friends!

November 27, 2017

10 Ways to Give Back for Giving Tuesday

10 ways to give on #givingtuesday and make a difference in your community and be a good person. 10 cheap and easy good deeds to do today. 10 random acts of kindness to do for Giving Tuesday. Creative ways to give back to others. Best ways to give back to community. Inexpensive ways to give back. |

I know Christmas shopping season is now in full-on swing and everyone's in a buy, buy, buy mode, but I wanted to write a short post about something else for you to think of— give. I know you're like well duh I'm going to give people presents on Christmas day, but that's not what I'm talking about. Tomorrow is a day called Giving Tuesday and is something I knew nothing about until last year, which I'll get to later. And I know you're probably very busy with wrapping up the semester and surviving finals (shameless finals prep tips posts plug here), but taking the time to do a little good is a great little study break that I'm sure will give you some feel-good endorphins to help with the pre-finals stress that's bubbling up. Here's 10 ideas for you to get in on #givingtuesday and #dogood (lol sorry I can't help being a DG).

Donate your hair

I actually did this last year! The way I see it is that I'm fortunate enough to be able to grow as much hair as I want but there's lots of little girls and women who can't for various medical reasons. And all it takes is one really bad haircut for you to understand just how much having the hair that you envision for yourself can really influence your self-confidence. 

Everyone's heard of Locks of Love but I personally prefer Pantene Beautiful Lengths because Locks sells the wigs and Beautiful Lengths gives their wigs for free. This is relatively cheap and easy to do because all you do is make a hair appointment and tell them you're donating your hair so they can keep it all together (or you could even do it yourself), then mail off your donation! 

Donate pet food

Animal shelters always could use more cat and dog food! Pet food isn't very expensive and the animals really, really need it. You can drop it off one day after class and then stay a little bit and hang out with the dogs and cats and feel better about yourself. Here's more on how you can help.

Another unexpected place to donate pet food is to a Meals on Wheels location because I've actually found out that a lot of people who receive meals actually portion out their own food to share with their pet because they don't always have help getting food for their friend. This way, the dog or cat gets their own meal and their owner gets a full meal. 

Sign up to be an organ donor

Here's a fact of life: when you die, you no longer need any of your organs. But one of the thousands of people on an organ wait list will literally have their life saved by one of yours. Signing up to donate your organs is free ridiculously easy on your iPhone- here's how

You can also sign up for Be The Match bone marrow registry! I signed up like 2 years ago I think and all you have to do is swab your cheeks for your DNA and you're all done. I know this seems like a long way off but just wait until you take Wills&Trusts and you'll be like oh shit I can die at any time I need to have my whole end-of-life plans put together. 

This brings me to how I know about Giving Tuesday... exactly a year ago tomorrow will be my sister's one year anniversary of having only one kidney. She donated hers to a family friend of ours and I literally couldn't be more proud or happy for her that she changed this man's life in a just a few hours (here's her story). If you're a kind soul willing to be a living kidney donor, you can learn more here.

Donate blood

Another bodily part (kinda) that you can give is your blood. I recently donated blood through my law school's blood drive with United Blood Services and it was really easy! Just make sure you have a full stomach and you've been drinking water and then you lay in a chair squeezing a stress ball for a little bit. It's something so small and easy to do that again can literally save a life!

Buy someone's drink

This is more small scale than the others, but still can make someone's day. All you have to do is just buy the coffee of the person behind you, whether that's at Starbucks or your on-campus dining area. Finals are rough and we're all needing a little extra push so make someone's day just a little bit easier for them and pay the extra few dollars for their drink!

Give out care kits

This one could get a little pricey so it'd probably be easiest if you and a friend or two shared this (or side note if you're in a student org this would be great for y'all to do). Go to a place like Sam's Club or Costco and buy in bulk: toothbrush/toothpaste (I also learned while studying abroad the Colgate whisps work really well), baby wipes, socks, deodorant, band-aids, tampons, non-perishable snacks/food (think tuna/granola), and ziploc bags. Then give out as many as you can to any homeless person you see!

In the future, when you travel you can take the freebie toiletries that are given out at hotels and then regift them to someone who needs them. This is a free way that you can give back even if you have like no money! If you have a bunch of trips coming up in your life, then you can do a lot of good by doing this. And if you don't feel comfortable going up to homeless people, just drop these off at a local shelter or church that help out homeless people.

Collect Box Tops

This one will take a little more time but is something completely free that you can do year-round. You probably forgot about it, but when we were in elementary school it was like the thing to cut Box Tops off cereal boxes and soup labels and then bring them in for your school so your school could buy a new computer or something. Well, I never really stopped because as a DG we had to do this for DG's school for the blind. You probably already have tons of these lying around your house so you might as well cut them out and drive over to the nearest school and give them some.

Donate old glasses

Another thing I've become aware of because of DG is that you can donate your glasses to Lions Club! Your eyesight probably has become worse thanks to law school and although your old glasses aren't enough for you anymore, they could be just the right prescription to someone else who can't afford new glasses. You can also ask around to your parents, grandparents, and siblings and I'm sure you'll get a few more pairs to donate!

Be someone's eyes

Speaking of people with vision impairments, another free thing for you to do is download the Be My Eyes app and you can help someone who is blind! This app puts you in a queue to provide 24/7 service to someone who can't see for themselves so they always have eyes on hand. All you have to do is basically FaceTime them and answer their question based off what you can see (so like they FaceTime you their milk carton and you read them the expiration date). Easy peasy do-a-good-deed lemon squeezy.

Use Amazon Smile

The easiest way to give (and again can do all-year) is through because all you have to do is use this version of Amazon and it will donate up to 10% of your purchase to whichever charity you choose. Think of how much you could donate just while doing Christmas shopping now and back-to-school shopping next year! 

Run for charity

Not necessarily one of those run-for-a-cause events. Download the Charity Miles app on your phone and then just have it going in the background while you walk or jog around a park and you're helping out! It's a system kind of like Amazon smile where you pick a charity and then they'll donate a quarter for every mile you run. 

It doesn't sound like much but if you just run 2 miles a day, you're donating $3.50 a week/$14 a month/$168 a year! And it's a great little incentive when you want to stop exercising and then you tell yourself okay I'll just walk one more mile to get another 25 centers and then bam you're also burning an extra 100 calories. Win-win!

Go plogging

This is also an exercise give back. Plogging is basically where you go jogging (use the app I just talked about) with a trash bag and pick up trash you see on the ground as you go. On a little 30 minute walk (because yes you don't have to run) you can easily fill up your bag with litter and then throw away/recycle what you've picked up. Just wear some gloves for sanitary reasons. If exercise gives you endorphins and makes you happy, imagine how you'll feel from endorphins + the feel feeling you get by giving back!

Click for a cause

This is literally free and so easy!! Just go to The Greater Good and click on the big button that says "Click to Give — It's Free" and a sponsor business will donate to the featured cause on your behalf. They have websites for you to do the same click for a sponsor donation for Hunger, Veterans, Diabetes, Breast Cancer, Autism, Literacy, Animals, Alzheimer's, and the Rainforest. Click on all of them and then get 3 friends to visit the sites and to click/get sponsors to donate too.

Shop through partner brands

What do PopSockets, J. Crew, Corkcicle and Madewell have in common? If you shop their sites through this link, a portion of the money you spend goes towards a charity called charity: water. This is a great charity spends 100% of its donations on providing clean water to communities without access to it. Like Amazon Smile, all you have to do is shop through a special link and you'll be helping communities have clean water.

let's be friends!

November 24, 2017

What's on My Christmas List

10 things to steal for yourself or to give to others this Christmas. 2017 Christmas gift guide. Amazon wish list Christmas 2017. How to make an Amazon wish list. 10 gift ideas for college age students. Last minute gift ideas |

Hello hello! I'm sure some of you are reading this while waiting in line Black Friday shopping haha. Since literally everyone in my family has Amazon prime (my sister and I took advantage of the student discounts) this year we're not going shopping and instead my mom just told my sister and I took make an Amazon wish list for her. We're from a small town that's two hours from the nearest mall, an hour from the nearest Walmart, and literally the only store in our town is a Dollar General so obviously toughing it out on Black Friday isn't an option for us. Anyways, I just thought I'd share what I'm adding to my list to either give you gift inspiration for a sister or friend or give you ideas for what you can add to yours.

Black Ray Bans

Black Ray Bans - 10 things to steal for yourself or to give to others this Christmas. 2017 Christmas gift guide. Amazon wish list Christmas 2017. How to make an Amazon wish list. 10 gift ideas for college age students. Last minute gift ideas |
I've been eying a black pair of my Ray Bans since this summer but every time I go to buy them for myself, I'm always remembered that I have bills to pay. Since I can't make myself buy them, I've decided to add them to my list. I love Ray Bans since they're so cute and they always come in handy when I'm driving so I figured that you can't have too many pairs!

Ugg Slippers

Ugg Slippers - 10 things to steal for yourself or to give to others this Christmas. 2017 Christmas gift guide. Amazon wish list Christmas 2017. How to make an Amazon wish list. 10 gift ideas for college age students. Last minute gift ideas |
I have perpetually cold feet so this is one thing I'm really hoping for. I already have a pair of slippers but they were just a cheap pair I threw in my basket last minute at Target last year and they're about to die. So I'm looking to upgrade to a nice pair like these Ugg ones that I know will last longer. Plus these are lined so they'll be nice and toasty for my little cold feet. 

Silk Pillowcase

Silk Pillowcase - 10 things to steal for yourself or to give to others this Christmas. 2017 Christmas gift guide. Amazon wish list Christmas 2017. How to make an Amazon wish list. 10 gift ideas for college age students. Last minute gift ideas |
Since I just turned 25, I'm trying to adult which means I think I'm finally responsible enough for a silk pillow case. This one is under $30 so I don't feel too guilty putting it on my list. Really why I want it is that I hear they're great for your hair and I'm trying to grow mine out so I need as healthy hair as possible. I've also heard that they stay cool and my neck always gets hot when I sleep so I'm really interested in trying this.

LED Vanity Mirror

LED Vanity Mirror - 10 things to steal for yourself or to give to others this Christmas. 2017 Christmas gift guide. Amazon wish list Christmas 2017. How to make an Amazon wish list. 10 gift ideas for college age students. Last minute gift ideas |

The lighting in my bathroom is terrible so I'm really thinking that a lighted mirror will help. This one has a dimmer so I feel like that'll be nice so I won't have a bright light in my face first thing in the morning. I also like how this will sit on the counter and I can get real close to it when I need to like for when I apply liquid eyeliner or false eyelashes. 

iPhone Case

Marble iPhone Case - 10 things to steal for yourself or to give to others this Christmas. 2017 Christmas gift guide. Amazon wish list Christmas 2017. How to make an Amazon wish list. 10 gift ideas for college age students. Last minute gift ideas |
When I first got my phone, it was so new that there basically no cases available and I ended up with one that's fine but it's a little boring. Something that would be really easy for someone to get me would be a cuter phone case. I really like this one because I used to have a gold iPhone and miss the color so this one brings it back!

Cozy Robe

Plush robe - 10 things to steal for yourself or to give to others this Christmas. 2017 Christmas gift guide. Amazon wish list Christmas 2017. How to make an Amazon wish list. 10 gift ideas for college age students. Last minute gift ideas |

I'm such a homebody so I love all things plush and comfy. A long robe like this one would be perfect to throw on in the mornings while I'm making breakfast and in the evenings when I change out of my work clothes. What I really like about this particular robe is that it goes down almost to the floor so it'll be super warm this winter. But to be honest, I wouldn't mind also having a satin robe to wear while I'm getting ready because I always end up really hot when I'm doing my hair.

Kindle Paperwhite

Kindle Paperwhite - 10 things to steal for yourself or to give to others this Christmas. 2017 Christmas gift guide. Amazon wish list Christmas 2017. How to make an Amazon wish list. 10 gift ideas for college age students. Last minute gift ideas |
My mom had passed on her OG Kindle to me but I wore that thing out so I really want a new one. I know a lot of people say that only a true book worm uses hardcover books, but I prefer the digital version because I have a tiny apartment so I don't have enough room for all of the books that I read in a year so I'm asking for an upgraded Kindle. But if I were to get physical books, this hardback trio of Little Women, A Little Princess, and Anne of Green Gables because not only do the covers all coordinate so they'd be great décor but they're all classics that I wouldn't mind re-reading and one day passing down. 

What Do You Meme

What Do You Meme - 10 things to steal for yourself or to give to others this Christmas. 2017 Christmas gift guide. Amazon wish list Christmas 2017. How to make an Amazon wish list. 10 gift ideas for college age students. Last minute gift ideas |
I feel like this game is about to be the next Cards Against Humanity and I've been wanting to try it! This would be great to use right on Christmas day with all your family and have a good laugh. Plus, doesn't everyone love a good meme?

Apple AirPods

Apple AirPods - 10 things to steal for yourself or to give to others this Christmas. 2017 Christmas gift guide. Amazon wish list Christmas 2017. How to make an Amazon wish list. 10 gift ideas for college age students. Last minute gift ideas |
Ok confession, I technically already have these, but I use them all the time so it would be super nice if I had a pair for my purse AND my gym bag so that I don't have to keep remembering to pack and unpack these. They're really, really, really great at the gym because you're not accidentally ripping them out of your ears but are also really, really, really great when you're studying because you're not tethered down to your laptop and can stand up without getting caught. I definitely use mine enough that I know I would get good use out of having two pairs.

Nintendo Switch

Nintendo Switch - 10 things to steal for yourself or to give to others this Christmas. 2017 Christmas gift guide. Amazon wish list Christmas 2017. How to make an Amazon wish list. 10 gift ideas for college age students. Last minute gift ideas |
I'll admit I'm far from a gamer, but a friend of mine got the Nintendo Switch when it first came out and I got to admit, these are like really fun! What's so great about these is that it's a normal gaming console so when you have friends over you can play one-on-one Mario Kart, but then it also is a travel console so you can play the same games solo when traveling. Idk maybe it's because I'm getting older but the kid in me just kinda wants a video game for Christmas. 

So that's where I'm at! I know it's a scrimpy little list but I technically have a month to add to or change around my wishlist so I'm fine with what I have so far. If you want to make your own wishlist, just look underneath the "add to cart" button and you should see the "add to wishlist" link. Create your wishlist and then just send the link out to your fam with a 😉😉 for a little hint.
let's be friends!

November 20, 2017

Library Necessities

How to have the perfect library session. 5 things you need to bring to the library every time. 5 things you need before studying in the library. how to survive staying at the library all day. how to survive a library study session. library study session packing list. how to prepare for your next library session. how to study better at the library. how to utilize the library for studying. library tips and tricks. law school blog. law student blogger. |

As I type this, my butt is numb because I've been sitting in this chair for over 7 hours straight. Yes that's right, it's time to live in the library! Since I need a lil study break, I thought I'd do a quick post over some lib necessities because really your whole study vibe can mess up when you're not prepared.

Of course, if you're over the library then check out my post on Where to Study for Finals for suggestions on where else to go!


I'm convinced that libraries only have two AC options, full blast in the summer or just turned off in the winter. No low setting, no heat when it's cold. Snuggies are the best because your full body can be warm but your arms are still free to highlight and type all night. Sure they might look a tad ridiculous, but at this point in the semester I bet you're rocking a greasy messy bun and sweats so we can all agree that looks don't count during the semester. 

Ear plugs

People ignore no talking signs. That's a fact. Ear plugs will allow you to block them out and will save you from having to shush people every 5 seconds. Some people swear by noise-canceling headphones but I've come to find that having no sound at all is way less distracting than even having study music on in the background. I keep a travel case with some ear plugs in my study carrel at all times and I think it really helps me get more done.

Blue-light glasses

After hours and hours of looking things on your laptop as you study, your eyes are going to start hurting and you're going to get a headache because that's just a thing that comes with technology. Blue-light blocking glasses are a cheap way to fix this and save your eyes from damage. These are actually just handy to have in general because I feel like law students are always on our laptops.

Every colored pen and highlighter you own

I usually keep my big stash of highlighters and colored pens in my house, but for a serious lib sesh I'll load them all up and take them on a little field trip. For some reason, I get very extra when I'm at the library. Idk if subconsciously I'm trying to use all these colors to show off like look at me color-coordinating I might as well run a studyblr or if it's just because I'm procrastinating by telling myself that I have to color-code before I even get started. Either way, go ahead and bring them all because you're going to want them.

Neck/back warmer

Okay, okay, so this is definitely even less fashionable than a snuggie so probably you would only wear this if you're studying in a study room where people can't see you or you've just gotten to the IDGAF stage of studying. I got this neck/back warmer on a recommendation from my doctor for when I study because the hours of looking down at my notes was starting to really make me be in pain. This thing warms up those muscles to help prevent them from cramping and as an added bonus libraries are always freezing so will warm you up too.

Focus help

I use two little things to help me spend more time working and less time pinning on Pinterest. I've mentioned the first one in my Favorite Law School Apps post, but it deserves another shoutout. I have the Focus app on my phone and watch that helps me use the Podomoro study method of 25 minutes on-task and then a 5-minute break and repeat. It makes me take little breaks so I don't get burnt out or still, and then the "get back to work" alerts help me keep my study breaks from turning into an hour of doing nothing. The other thing is the Self Control app for my laptop. Basically you make a list of all of the sites that you know you shouldn't be on and it blocks those for you. If you're super serious about studying, you can use this app and then on your 5 minute breaks from studying, you can go on bathroom breaks or re-organize your to-do list. Basically you make the library 100% social media free.

Game plan

Here's literally exactly what I do when I get to the library so I can be my most productive. 

1. Turn on pocket points — Since my study app works on my watch, I turn on pocket points as another incentive to stay off my phone as much as possible. Plus I feel like getting a free cookie after several hours in the library is a pretty good reward for working hard.

2. Make a to-do list — I always go a little extra and write down more to-do's than I know is possible, because I'm the kind who will be like oh I only have one more thing to do tonight so I can take a longer break so I need the reminder to stay on-task. I also get extra and make to-do's about my to-do's. So like right now I'm writing a paper so I made a to-do list of every paragraph that I need to write and I'm checking them off as I go. This also helps because I jump around and don't write in order, so I need to make sure that I don't forget to go back and finish a paragraph.

3. Make a timeline — If you've got a lot going on, this will help. What I like to do is plan out and say okay I'll spend an hour outlining on this subject and then the next hour I'll review it. Then I'll move on to the next subject and do the same. Even if you just want to focus on one subject the entire time you're at the library, I really feel like planning out your to-do list will help it be more feasible and also will establish an end time. The end time helps because it can either be a motivation factor like okay only 3 more hours of making yourself do this crap and then you can take a bubble bath or will keep you reined in so you don't look up and realize that it's 3am and you have class in 5 hours and you just completely lost track of time.

let's be friends!

November 17, 2017

November Stitch Fix

Hi I know I'm behind but really that's because November is flying by and basically my whole life is flashing right before my eyes. I say all this because I recently got an email that my December fix is being sent so I figured I should probably get this post up haha. For a full explanation about Stitch fix, you can read my Stitch Fix Review, but basically what it is, is they pick 5 pieces for you a month (can be tops, bottoms, dresses, outerwear, purse, shoes) and mail them to you. 

You then try them on in your home and then within 3 business days you decide what you love and what you'll pass on and you mail back the ones that weren't you're favorite and then buy the ones you want to keep. How they've picked these pieces is that there's a stylist who you'll tell all about what you like to wear, what you want to try wearing, and what you don't like. I personally really like this because it's more efficient than going from store to store to store to try on a ton of clothes and it's more successful than guessing how something will fit and taking a chance with online shopping since you have an expert deciding what you need and what size you need it in based off what you've given them. So far my stylist Lili has hit it out of the park 2/2 times so I'm personally a happy customer.

Anyways, I just found out that for any fix ordered between now and Christmas day, they'll waive your styling fee so basically you can try it for free and if you end up hating all 5 pieces (although I seriously doubt that), you pay nothing since shipping is nothing! I've read your comments from those of you who are interested in it so I thought I'd share with y'all what I got :) Just use THIS link to make sure you get the promo! Oh and side note, I got my new Echo Look in like the same week that I got these so I thought this would be the perfect excuse to get to play around with that!

November 2017 Stitch Fix Review. Is Stitch Fix worth it? Stitch Fix for students. What to wear to law school. Law school outfit idea and inspiration. Law school clerk outfit. Law school intern outfit. Legal clerk outfit. Legal intern outfit. Legal associate outfit. Stitch Fix for work. Personalized shopper. First Stitch Fix box. Subscription box review. Clothing subscription box. Fashion subscription box. Women's clothes subscription box. Stitch Fix coupon. Stitch Fix code. Stitch Fix discount. Stitch Fix referral. |

Liverpool Bia Skirt

November 2017 Stitch Fix Review. Liverpool Bia Skirt |

My box got delivered while I was at class so when I ran home to change during my lunch break before work, I was very excited to rip this thing open and see what workwear I got. I saw this skirt and instantly was like yep this is what I'm wearing today! I'm glad I did because my coworker complimented my skirt like literally the minute that I walked through the door. I'm in love with this skirt because unlike normal pencil skirts, this one is super strechy so I'm not stuck being all awkward climbing into my car or picking something up off of the ground because I can actually move in this thing. Not only that, I really like the black and white pattern because it's less boring than a solid color but isn't too out there of a print (you'll see what I'm talking about in a second haha). Obviously this one was a keep! I couldn't find the exact skirt, but here's a similar one.

November 2017 Stitch Fix Review. Liverpool Bia Skirt |

Heartloom Chetna Cross Back Pullover

November 2017 Stitch Fix Review. Heartloom Chetna Cross Back Pullover | brazenandbrunette.comNovember 2017 Stitch Fix Review. Heartloom Chetna Cross Back Pullover |

Thank you to everyone who voted in the poll on my Instagram story! For those of you who missed out, I was super torn about this sweater because it was so soft and warm and I really liked how it had the slight bell sleeves and an open back (which I found out looks better as just an open back than trying to pair it with a racerback bralette), but I wasn't the biggest fan of the stripes. This also was a little too loose on me so I had decided that if I was going to keep it then I would need to size down. In the end, I knew that the stripes just weren't happening for me so I decided to return it but I think I'm going to ask in my next box for something similar to this just a size smaller and without the stripes. I found a similar sweater here with the same sleeves that is still open back (just not as much).

November 2017 Stitch Fix Review. Heartloom Chetna Cross Back Pullover |

Just Black Addison Skinny Jean

November 2017 Stitch Fix Review. Just Black Addison Skinny Jean |

This is another piece that I included in the Insta story poll! In the request box on this fix I mentioned how I was looking for something for Thanksgiving and I know exactly why Lili picked these for me. These are jeggings which are super stretchy which would allow me to look cute for Thanksgiving dinner but still be comfortable with an extra full belly. I also loved these because I feel like olive-colored pants are having a moment right now so I was excited that she sent me something so on-trend. The reason why I felt like I needed y'all's help with these is that I was worried that they might be too trendy for me and also was concerned that I wouldn't know how to style it besides just with white and brown but literally every single person voted for me to keep them! If you are looking for some olive jeggings for Thanksgiving, here's a similar pair.

November 2017 Stitch Fix Review. Just Black Addison Skinny Jean |

41 Hawthorn Valentina Faux Leather Trim Blouse

November 2017 Stitch Fix Review. 41 Hawthorn Valentina Faux Leather Trim Blouse |

Okay so here's the backstory behind this shirt. Not only did I request Thanksgiving pieces, but just for fun I threw in there that it'd be nice to maybe get something I could wear out to the bars when I go meet my friends for drinks (wishful thinking because I like never go out anymore #old #lawstudentprobs). I've actually seen some fashion bloggers wear blue leopard so I think this might be an upcoming trend, so I have to give Lili props for trying to help me be ahead of the trends and push my comfort level. I'll admit that it actually did look pretty cute with my faux leather leggings and booties, and the fabric was really great too, but I this top was just a little too much for me. She did include a dressed-up look suggestion with this top for a way to wear this to work, but I just can't see my boss being cool with something this eye-catching. This piece also made me admit that I actually don't really like animal print that much so I went back into my settings and added that to the "I'd rather not" list. However, if you're intrigued with trying the blue leopard trend, here's a similar top!

November 2017 Stitch Fix Review. 41 Hawthorn Valentina Faux Leather Trim Blouse |

Stitches&Stripes Emmie Lace-Up Shoulder Cutout Pullover

November 2017 Stitch Fix Review. Stitches&Stripes Emmie Lace-Up Shoulder Cutout Pullover |

This sweater actually sold my sister on Stitch Fix (obviously we've talked about it before) and it went like this:
*she's picking me up and I'm wearing this exact outfit*
Her- OMG I really like this sweater!!
Me- Thanks I just got it this week from in my Stitch Fix box
Her- Really? That's the kind of clothes you're getting?? I thought they'd just send you a t-shirt or two but not something like this!

This is probably my favorite piece from this month (although I'm getting a whole lot of use out of that skirt) because it's a super warm sweater that's not too over-the-top but also not too boring so it felt like the perfect balance. It's great because I can be cozy and comfortable in class while I'm trying to stay focused in tax law haha. If you love it as much as I do, I found this sweater that's basically the same thing and on sale!

November 2017 Stitch Fix Review. Stitches&Stripes Emmie Lace-Up Shoulder Cutout Pullover |

Overall thoughts

4/5 were out of the park so Lili just keeps getting better! In the request box I threw in that I'd like to be paired with Lili again just because I feel like this girl gets me and why ruin a good thing? I'm sure she has hundreds of other clients but hopefully it's easier on them that a new stylist doesn't have to learn all about me each month, but we'll see! Maybe I'll mix it up just to put their other stylists to the test haha. If you're still considering trying out stitch fix and are too lazy to scroll to the top here's the link to get your stylist fee waived so you can test it out for yourself! Also, two other clothing subscription boxes are Le Tote and Rent the Runway Unlimited and fellow law school/fashion blogger Jordyn tried those out for you in this post.

let's be friends!