November 27, 2016

Law School Finals Care Package

What would I want to get in a law school finals care package? School supplies, library necessities, stress relievers, and goodies. Here's a list of 23 things I'd put in a finals survival kit. law school finals care package. law school finals survival kit. law school present. law school gift. what to give your law student. law school supplies care package. law school study care package. DIY care package. cheap care package. law school blog. law student blogger |

My best friend's little sister is in her 1L year and while chatting with him and his parents, they were talking about how stressed she already is over finals. They asked if I would text her some advice but really all I could tell her is that I know it sucks and there's nothing she can do to make it better. Seriously, law school finals are way worse than your worst college finals combined. But after talking to them, I did realize that making a care package to give to her while she's home for Thanksgiving break or to send for Dead Day would be a nice little encouragement from her family, so here's what I suggested they send.

Study supplies

Highlighters - You can never have enough highlighters for law school, but you really start to go through them as you go back through your notes and outlines.

Flashcards - There are so many rules to memorize that these are another commodity that any law student will quickly go through.

Post-It set - These are great for keeping a list on your outline of what you need to know and then marking out topics as you generally know them.

Post-It tabs - I use these to mark important pages in my book, notes, and outlines.

To-Do list pad - Make little goals, check them off as you go, stay organized, and you'll stress less.

Library supplies

Travel coffee mugWhen you study for ten hours a day, you'll need a little pick me up.

Red Bull - For when coffee just isn't enough.

Phone charger - Prevents the temptation of "Oh look my phone died! Guess I gotta go home and charge it."

Water bottle - If you're going to be camped out at the library all day every day, a big water bottle saves you from constantly having to get up and refill it (nice to offset all of the times you have to get up and go to the bathroom).

Noise reducing headphones - For as smart as law students are, some still don't understand the concept of "quiet study area."

Trail mix - The perfect study snack because it's pretty filling but also has candy.

Stress-relieving supplies

Lavender candle - Lavender relaxes you.

Lavender bubble bath - Bubble baths also relax you, so relaxation x2.

Lavender bath salts - Have I mentioned that lavender relaxes you? If you're taking a law school final, you need all the relaxation help you can get.

Chamomile tea - Relaxes you and also has antioxidants in it because what's worse than law school finals? Being sick during law school finals.

Advil - For when you get a headache from reading for 6 hours straight, lack of healthy food, lack of sleep, stress, or E) all of the above.

Other nice things to have

Leggings - You can never have enough leggings and these keep you comfortable and warm during study sessions.

Fuzzy socks - Again, comfortable and toasty but also you can't be upset when you're in fuzzy socks.

Cable knit blanket - Whether you're studying at home, in the library, or at a coffee shop, chances are that it's going to be pretty chilly no matter what time of the year it is. You might as well be comfortable while you're camped out studying.

Travel pillow - I got this pillow for study abroad and am convinced that it is the perfect pillow! It starts out as a neck pillow which is perfect to support your neck while you study. But then it turns inside out into a regular square pillow which is perfect for when you want a little study-break nap. 

Bag of coffee or coffee gift card - You'd be surprised at how boring it can be trying to memorize the Rules of Federal Civil Procedure and most other laws. Caffeine is really the only way to stay awake while studying them.

Dry shampoo- We've all been there so I'll be the last to judge if you forget to shower and have worn a baseball hat for a week straight.

Wine - Trust me on this. Wine is a necessity. Honestly, probably vodka too. But wine will do.

Wine glass - See above.

Basket - A reusable basket like this one can hold everything for your finals care package and then can be re-used to store school supplies on a desk.

If you've received a small gift that you really appreciated around finals time or just in general, please feel free to share below! 


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. The only thing I would add is a travel pillow. A little travel pillow for when you're spending ridiculous amounts of time in the library (and inevitably falling asleep at said library) will not only save your neck, but also make sure the little amount of sleep you do get isn't a total waste.

    1. OMG that's such a great idea! Thank you for the great heads up! I know just the pillow to add to this list :)
